Thursday, April 25, 2013

MAC and $

Our church is part of something called the Mission Area Council (MAC), an association of several local Episcopal churches. The MAC has a small budget, and one thing they use it for is scholarships for youth to participate in Diocesan events. Last weekend, for example, they sponsored two of our kids to go to the Spring Youth Event. You will also notice that the summer camp material includes an application for financial help.

The moral of the story is that money is often available to help kids get to things in our Diocese. If cash is the only issue preventing your kid from going, talk to someone (probably Reverend Kay).

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Together

I've had at least two conversations with folks from other churches suggesting that we could get our kids together for something. Obviously, it's a lot more fun to have eight or nine kids in a group than two or three (and we figured that out at the Spring Youth Event when 60 showed up). And when we have the resources from more than one church, we have less trouble finding enough adults, cars, etc.

I've received an email from the church in Gambier, asking if we'd like to go with them to Cedar Point on June 1. Even though I'll probably be out of town that day, it sounds like great fun, so I'll be in touch with everyone to get some reactions.

By the way, when we do things like this, we need the proper forms filled in and all that. You can find copies of the forms we need by clicking the Diocese Youth Page link on the right.

Vacation Bible School

Save the date! VBS this summer will be June 17th through the 21st (9 am to 12 pm at Peace Lutheran). Planning is underway! We're going back in time with the theme of Athens: Paul's Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth. We need volunteers at varying levels of commitment. Our goal is to create a Greco-Roman marketplace which the children will cycle through daily for an hour or so. If you have a skill or talent that you could demonstrate or do with the children, please consider helping out. Some examples of "talent" are weaving on a loom, baking flat bread, making garlands with greenery to wear on the head, paper/parchment making, geometry workshop, pottery, music demonstrations, Olympic sports, or petting zoo (does anyone have a goat??!!). It would be wonderful to have people commit to helping out for the week, but even a day or two of leadership in the marketplace would be greatly appreciated. We also need group leaders (for preschool, K-1, 2-3, 4-6). A sign up sheet will be posted on Sunday. See Kim Hovey for details.

Summer Camping

Here is the Diocese page for camping at Cedar Hills. You can download the forms you need on the left (and you will probably want to begin with Camp Cedar Hills Brochure).

Considering the ages of our kids, three sessions are particularly interesting:

  • Session II for grades 7, 8, & 9 (July 14 to 19)
  • Session III for grades 5, 6, 7, & 8 (July 21 to 26)
  • Session IV for grades 5, 6, & 7 (July 28 to August 2)